Thursday, December 10, 2009
Can Organic Agriculture Feed the World?
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Meet-up site up and running! Please join!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A letter from Slow Food USA's presidend about the Time for Lunch Campaign
Dear members and supporters,
It's been two months since 20,000 of you came together for our national day of action to give America's children the school food they deserve. That day was a huge accomplishment for this movement – but it was only a first step.
You can be part of our next one. Congress isn't planning to make progress on child nutrition programs until the beginning of next year. We have until then to show our leaders that kids and parents across America are hungry for change.
We're going to do it by sending thousands of letters — especially letters written by kids — to our legislators' district offices over the next few months. Slow Food USA chapter leaders across the country have already gotten started, and together they've sent in over 1,300 letters. It's time for everyone to pitch in.
Help us spread the word about letter writing, and get involved in the next phase of the campaign.
Through this campaign, tens of thousands of you have invested in America's children's future by organizing and attending Eat-Ins on Labor Day, by donating money and by signing our petition. Thank you.
Over the next few months, your participation is as important as ever. If we keep growing our ranks, we can ensure that the 31 million children who benefit from school meal programs are getting the real food they need to grow into healthy, productive adults.
Thank you for spreading the word,
Josh Viertel
Visit the Time for Lunch website to sign the petition, learn more about the subject aand find out how to make a difference
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Much to be Grateful for: Frank Reese's Heritage Turkeys
New: Online Issue of The Snail
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Report: Students Need More Veggies, Fewer Calories: NPR
Neighborhood Supported Agriculture
Monday, October 12, 2009
Photos of Cache la Poudre's First Event!
Lawrence told everyone about the history of the farm and their plans to create a sustainable farm community on part of this property and neighboring farmland.
Garth, Lawrence and Ursula's apprentice, directed the chopping efforts.
The pumpkins were then added to the stock pot with milk from Windsor Dairy.
Chef Florian answers questions while preparing four different kinds of soup: pumpkin-cheese, oxtail-vegetable, cream of spinach and mustard greens, and borscht with cilantro and fennel root.
Oxtail-vegetable soup in the silver stockpot and borscht in the red stockpot. A true feast for the senses.
Garth made six different kinds of bread for the event including pumpernickel and apple bread. The bread was served with Ursula's kimchee. Thank you Gareth and Ursula!
Florian, Garth, and Liz visit around the soup pot.
A farm cat helps itself to a taste of pumpkin-cheese soup that was left on the blender.
Florian tells everyone that our next event will be held at the Lyric theater in Fort Collins. The Lyric will show the movie the "Cheese Nun" and then we will have a hands on Fondue making party. BYOFP (Bring Your Own Fondue Pot). The date for this event is yet to be determined. We'll keep you posted.
NYT Food Issue
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
“Pay what you can” membership extended with a matching grant!
Wow. It’s been a pretty exciting few days.
The September membership drive—where Slow Food USA waived our traditional $60 membership fee—was a huge success. More than 5000 people joined Slow Food, over ten times our normal monthly rate. It turns out there was some pent-up demand for lower membership rates, after all, and not just from my fellow non-profit-employed friends.
Perhaps our most incredible response came from Mr. Donald Sussman. He was so enthusiastic about the positive results that he encouraged us to keep the drive going. And his encouragement was particularly compelling: he has offered to match all new gifts that come in between now and October 15 dollar for dollar.
As you can imagine, there’s been a lot of excitement and positive spirits here in the Brooklyn office of Slow Food USA. What a welcome break from the grey spirits of a year where we’ve seen dips in charitable giving across the country and so many of our friends deal with layoffs and downsizing.
If you haven’t yet joined Slow Food, now is the time. Help us maximize this incredible opportunity that Mr. Sussman has given us. And if you have, know that there is an office full of hard-working food advocates toasting you with a glass of locally-grown, seasonally appropriate apple cider.
Join the Cache La Poudre Chapter of Slow Food USA by following the link:
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Latest Event at Cresset Farm
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Make a difference, Join us today!
Slow Food Cache la Poudre is part of a growing movement that needs you. On Labor Day, more than 20,000 people came together across the country to show their support for getting real food in school. You are helping us send a powerful message to decision makers that this is a movement of people who think it’s time to change what kids eat at the lunch table. Thank you to so many of you who already support us through your participation and membership.
To keep building momentum and change our food system, we are counting on you to be part of our local chapter. If you’re not yet a member, you can join the organization with a donation of any amount through October 15. Giving during this time period DOUBLES YOUR IMPACT as your donation will be matched! Give more if you can and less if you can’t. The point is – we want you with us. Membership normally starts at $60, so please visit so you can take advantage of this offer and join today.
Your support will help legislators take notice of our cause, and your involvement in our chapter will make a difference. Please join us.